Thursday, May 10, 2018

Using ComiPo! DLC (steam version)

ComiPo! only give us some limited selection of clothes, and more clothes can be added through DLC (which need to be bought)

and yeah, I have bought 2 DLC (for more clothes variation), well, we actually need to make it ourselves, but since I can't make it, I need to search for more somewhere.
*I bought ComiPo! on steam which is why I bought the DLC from steam
*ComiPo! DLC on Steam can only be used for Steam version of ComiPo!

Let's take a look at our character creator
The DLC are not there!?
don't panic... it might not added to the program yet

Now, let's add the DLC
Tools > Additional Character Data Manager..

See, all DLC bought will be shown here!
*Check All to add all DLC
then click OK
Then, ComiPo! will ask you to restart the program
*don't worry, you can save your progress before restarting
 Now, Let's see the character creator
 *HOORAY!! now we have more clothes selection

ComiPo! DLC on steam
or you can check them out from the official website

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