Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Manga Maker ComiPo! [english/steam ver.] Ver.3.21.01 *Changes

1. Manga Maker ComiPo! 64-bit

This update is the final update for 32-bit OS, the future update will only affect 64-bit OS
*Yeah, time to change to 64-bit

2. Page Limit -- from 32 pages to 64 pages

Now we can make a longer manga / comic in one .cpd file

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Manipulating ComiPo! Item

3D Item
manipulating 3D item is similar with manipulating Character, but simpler.
Outer Box :: Configure the area of the image (can be resized, rotated, or moved)
Inner Box :: Configure the image inside the area (can be resized. rotated, or moved)